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Lawn Maintenance

There are 3 basic cultural components that contibute to turfgrass quality.

They are:

1. Mowing

  • Cutting height. Make sure that no more than  a third of the shoot growth is removed during a single mowing. If more is removed the lawn becomes stressed.
  • Lawnmower  blade sharpness. Be sure that that your mowers blades are sharp. A sharp blade leads to quicker healing of the grass blade and a greener overall appearance. A dull blade tears the grass as apposed to cutting it which leads to a frayed grass tip that turns light brown.
  • Varying directions. Space permitting, try and vary the direction of your mowing. This will offset it being bent over by foot traffic, heavy mowing and even irrigation. This allows the grass to be pulled in varying directions to keep it more upright.

2. Watering

  • On average a lawn requires 25mm of water per week.
  • Time of Day. The best time to water lawn is in the morning. The reason being is that evaporation is at its lowest. Do not water late afternoon as your lawn would then be prone to various fungal diseases.
  • Check irrigation for uniform water distribution. This would reduce "dry spots"  

3. Fertilizing

  • This is our speciality. Where we us our combination of granular and liquid fertilizers to feed your lawn providing all what the lawn needs to stay healthy and green.





